Any company that leases office equipment needs a business account. And anyone who wants to keep a business running needs to keep the cash flowing.
grenke has over 40 years of experience working with small and mid-sized businesses.
We know exactly what you need. That’s why we provide the ideal financial services, all under one roof, whether you have big plans or a small project. In Germany, and across the world. Please note that we don’t cover all business areas in all countries. But if the solution you’re looking for isn’t mentioned here, all you have to do is ask.
Alongside traditional leasing, grenke offers many other solutions to boost your performance and keep your business financially sound.
grenke leasing enables you to take that leap of faith. Instead of paying the full acquisition cost for machinery and systems, you pay an affordable leasing rate. So you can finance your leased equipment gradually (by pay as you earn).
In turn, this means you can plan confidently and utilize the freedom of credit from your bank and suppliers. Great deal, isn’t it?
From our fee-free grenke business bank account to attractive short and long-term loans, grenke Bank gives you financial room to breathe.
Did you know that SMBs and freelancers can access public subsidies for leasing investments? We’ll work with you to find the best source of funds.
We provide valuable support to start-ups and young entrepreneurs in the form of development loans at affordable interest rates in cooperation with KfW Mittelstandsbank and L-Bank Baden-Württemberg.
And last but not least, we offer attractive interest rates on fixed and overnight deposits.
Do your paying customers drag their heels when it comes to settling invoices? Are you wasting precious time hassling them instead of expanding your business? The solution is simple: grenke factoring.
Nothing hampers your business more than waiting for money. A healthy cash flow and prompt receipt of payment are critical to stable business development nowadays. grenke factoring has you covered on both counts, with no fuss.
We’ll pay your invoice. Quickly and simply. Put your trust in our experience and finesse. We’ll take care of your funding so that you can grow your business. And that’s a promise.