Responsibility at grenke

Our goal? Acting sustainably today for the world of tomorrow - for you and for us.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Sustainability is a decisive lever for our corporate success and is therefore firmly anchored in our strategy. This applies to our company as well as to our trade partners and customers.


Our aim is to be an enabler for sustainable SMEs.


Our sustainability strategy describes the objectives and measures along the three ESG dimensions of climate & environment, social contribution and responsibility & trust.

Acting Eco-Consciously

We enable our clients’ green transform by facilitating green investment choices and providing sustainable financial services.

Thinking People-Centric

Equal opportunities, diversity and innovate power are the cornerstones of our success. This applies for our customers and partners as well as for our employees.

Leading by Example

Good governance by highest standards is the key to sustainable success - transparent, reliable and trustworthy.

Our ESG publications

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Climate & Environment

We enable the transformation to a green future by providing sustainable financial services and facilitating green investment choices.

Social Contribution

We promote equal opportunities and innovative strength for our customers, partners and employees alike.

Responsibility & Trust

We strengthen transparent communication and create a sustainable corporate structure

Climate & Environment

We enable the transformation to a green future by providing sustainable financial services and facilitating green investment choices.

Social Contribution

We promote equal opportunities and innovative strength for our customers, partners and employees alike.

Responsibility & Trust

We strengthen transparent communication and create a sustainable corporate structure

We are enabler for sustainable SME's

With our sustainability strategy, we pursue clear goals in the areas climate & environment, social contribution and responsibility & trust.


Our sustainability reporting adheres to various frameworks and regulatory standards. Specifically, we comply with requirements outlined in the German Commercial Code (HGB), the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), and the EU Taxonomy Regulation. Additionally, we provide stakeholders with information following the Global Reporting Initiatives Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI SRS). Our reporting also aligns with the guidelines of the German Corporate Governance Code (GCGC), the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Furthermore, through our commitment to the Diversity Charter, the grenke Group actively promotes diversity within our organizational structure. We engage with the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) to transparently report our CO2 emissions and assess the potential impacts of climate change on our business model.


Our sustainability strategy is rooted in responsible business practices and aims to positively impact both society and the environment. Through ongoing discussions with our stakeholders— including customers, partners, investors, and employees—we gather, assess, and incorporate their sustainability expectations into our strategy. Our materiality analysis is reviewed annually and adjusted as needed, adhering to the dual materiality requirement and aligning with the GRI 3 standard.

The material topics for grenke are ESG products and services, circular economy initiatives, digitalization and resource conservation, enhancing employer attractiveness, ensuring customer safety and satisfaction, fostering innovation and partnerships, effective risk management, reporting and transparency, compliance and data protection, climate protection and adaptation measures to climate change, labor rights and safety, upholding human rights, and ensuring access to financial markets.


As a publicly listed corporation under German law, grenke AG operates with several governing bodies. The Board of Directors oversees company management, while the Supervisory Board ensures its proper control. Representing the interests of shareholders, the Annual General Meeting plays a vital role.

Sustainability oversight at grenke falls under the purview of CEO Dr. Sebastian Hirsch. Dr. Ljiljana Mitic serves as the Sustainability Officer, representing the Supervisory Board and providing counsel to the Board of Directors on sustainability matters. Furthermore, during the annual strategy meeting, the full Supervisory Board, in conjunction with the Executive Board, thoroughly discusses ESG topics, management strategies, and the implementation of sustainability measures.

The ESG department works closely with the Executive Board and other relevant departments to manage sustainability initiatives. They devise solutions and principles for operational implementation across various departments. Additionally, the Sustainability Committee, led by the CEO and comprising senior managers from departments including ESG, Accounting and Tax, Purchasing and Portfolio Management, Investor Relations, Human Resources, Refinancing, and Risk Management, offers guidance and support to the ESG department.

Rating Agencies and Initiatives

ESG ratings and benchmarks play a crucial role in granting sustainable companies access to the capital market. They provide investors with the means to assess and compare companies' sustainability performances. Our company undergoes assessments by several prominent ESG rating agencies and actively engages in ESG initiatives like the Carbon Disclosure Project.

Why we do what we do

Simple. Fast. Personal. Entrepreneurial - that's grenke. Find out why we do what we do and what drives us here.

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+49 7221 5007-0

Mo - Fr 8 am - 6 pm