Baden-Baden, March 15, 2024: Dr Konstantin Mettenheimer, member of the grenke AG Supervisory Board since July 2021 and its Deputy Chair since May 2023, has decided not to stand for re-election to the Supervisory Board at the Annual General Meeting on April 30, 2024. “grenke AG has successfully repositioned itself in the areas of governance, compliance and digitalisation over the past three years and is clearly back on track for sustainable earnings growth,” said Dr Mettenheimer, explaining his decision. “I believe the key tasks that I had the opportunity to contribute to have now been completed. In consideration of the other many tasks that await me, I have decided not to stand for re-election.”
Jens Rönnberg, Chair of the Supervisory Board of grenke AG: “We would like to thank Dr Mettenheimer for his important contribution during a difficult phase for the Company and wish him all the best for the future. After overcoming the challenges of the short-seller attack and the coronavirus pandemic, grenke has now cleared the path for profitable growth. The Supervisory Board views last year’s results as very solid and, at the same time, provide a promising basis for achieving the ambitious targets set for the current financial year. The key to our medium-term and sustainable success is our comprehensive digitalisation programme, which will make it possible for us to offer new plug-and-lease solutions. We expect to see the first benefits of this programme as early as next year.”
For further information, please contact:
grenke AG
Team Investor Relations
Neuer Markt 2
76532 Baden-Baden
Phone: +49 7221 5007-204
Email: [email protected]
Press contact
Stefan Wichmann
Neuer Markt 2
76532 Baden-Baden
Mobile: +49 (0) 171 20 20 300
Email: [email protected]